/* ******** wikitools.js ******** */
// Usage:
// Just put the following line
//   mw.loader.load('user:cepheiden/wikitools.js');
// without the beginning "//  " to your ] or ]
// Description:
// * add an new entry in the pull-down menu for a fast access to the wikiblame tool
// * add an new entry in the pull-down menu for a fast access to the article traffic tool
// * add an new entry in the pull-down menu for a fast access to the contributors tool
// * add an new entry in the pull-down menu for a fast access to the templatetiger tool
// * add an new entry in the pull-down menu for a fast access to languagetool
// * add an new entry in the pull-down menu for a fast access to the article info page
// Authors:
// * Cepheiden (de-Wiki)
// Dual-licensed under the terms of the GFDL v1.2 or the GPL v2.

function openinnewwindow(URL) {
	newDocument= window.open(URL, '_blank');

// In all namespaces
 if (wgNamespaceNumber>=0) {
	addOnloadHook(function () {
 	   var item_id = "ca-separator";			
	   var item_title = '---------';
	   mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '', item_title, item_id);
	// Wikiblame
	addOnloadHook(function () {
 	   var item_id = "ca-wikiblame";			
	   var item_title = 'WikiBlame';
	   var item_tooltip = 'Search for the origin of a text fragment';
			item_title = 'WikiBlame';
			item_tooltip = 'Suche nach dem Ursprung eines Textfragments.';
	   var url = 'http://wikipedia.ramselehof.de/wikiblame.php?user_lang=de&lang='+wgContentLanguage+'&project='+wgNoticeProject+'&article='+wgPageName+'&skipversions=0&ignorefirst=0&limit=500&order=desc&searchmethod=int';
	   var portletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);
	// Bind click handler
	//$( portletLink ).click( function ( e ) {
	//	e.preventDefault();
	//	// doSomeStuff();
	//	alert( 'It works!' );
	//	//newDocument= window.open(url, '_blank');

	// Article traffic
	addOnloadHook(function () {
		var item_id = "ca-traffic";
		var item_title = 'Article traffic';
		var item_tooltip = 'Article traffic statistics for '+wgPageName;
			item_title = 'Aufrufstatistik';
			item_tooltip = 'Aufrufstatistik für '+wgPageName;
		currentDate= new Date();
		currentYear= currentDate.getFullYear();
		currentMonth= currentDate.getMonth()+1;
		if(currentMonth<10) currentMonth= "0" + currentMonth;		   
		var url = 'http://stats.grok.se/'+wgContentLanguage+'/latest60/'+wgPageName;
		//mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:openinnewwindow('+url+')', item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);
		mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);

	// Contributors
	addOnloadHook(function () {
		var item_id = "ca-contributors";
		var item_title = 'Contributors';
		var item_tooltip = 'Contributors of the article '+wgPageName;
			item_title = 'Bearbeiter';
			item_tooltip = 'Bearbeiter des Artikels '+wgPageName;
		var url = 'http://toolserver.org/~daniel/WikiSense/Contributors.php?wikilang='+wgContentLanguage+'&wikifam=.wikipedia.org&page='+wgPageName+'&since=&until=&order=-rev_timestamp&max=100&format=html';
		mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);

	// languagetool
	addOnloadHook(function () {
		var item_id = "ca-languagetool";
		var item_title = 'LanguageTool';
		var item_tooltip = 'LanguageTool analysis of the article '+wgPageName;
			item_title = 'LanguageTool';
			item_tooltip = 'LanguageTool-Analayse des Artikels '+wgPageName;
		var url = "http://community.languagetool.org/wikiCheck/pageCheck?lang=de&url=" + encodeURIComponent("https://de.wikipedia.orghttps://wikines.com/de/"+wgTitle);
		mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);
	// Anzahl der Beobachter
	addOnloadHook(function () {
		var item_id = "ca-watchers";
		var item_title = 'ºº';
		var item_tooltip = 'Watchers of the article '+wgPageName;
			item_title = 'ºº';
			item_tooltip = 'Anzahl der Beobachter des Artikels '+wgPageName;
		// OLD var url = "//toolserver.org/~mzmcbride/cgi-bin/watcher.py?db=dewiki_p&titles=" + wgPageName;
		var url = "//de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?action=info&title=" + wgPageName + "#mw-pageinfo-watchers";
		mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);
// Vorlagen
// TemplateTiger-Parameterauswertung
 if (wgNamespaceNumber == 10) {
 	addOnloadHook(function () {
		var item_id = "ca-templatetiger";
		var item_title = 'TemplateTiger';
		var item_tooltip = 'TemplateTiger';
			item_title = 'TemplateTiger';
			item_tooltip = 'TemplateTiger-Parameterauswertung';
		//var url = "//toolserver.org/~kolossos/templatetiger/template-parameter.php?lang=dewiki&template=" + encodeURIComponent(wgTitle);
		var url = "//tools.wmflabs.org/templatetiger/template-parameter.php?lang=dewiki&template=" + encodeURIComponent(wgTitle);
		mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);
// Dateien
// Frühere Einbindung eines Bildes anhand nachfolgender Edits des Uploaders erraten
 if (wgNamespaceNumber == 6) {
 	addOnloadHook(function () {
		var item_id = "ca-afterupload";
		var item_title = '?';
		var item_tooltip = 'Find previous  use of '+wgPageName;
			item_title = '?';
			item_tooltip = 'Frühere Verwendung von '+wgPageName + 'erraten';
		var url = "//toolserver.org/~revolus/afterUpload/?lang=de&project=de.wikipedia.org&image=" + encodeURIComponent(wgTitle);
		mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, item_title, item_id, item_tooltip);