/* Replace external links to GeoHack with direct links to a single mapping provider.
* It support the following replacement variables found in GeoHack:
* {latdegdec} {londegdec} {scale} {span} {osmzoom}
* Based on a script by ]: ]
- Instructions: add the following two lines to your common.js (or skin-specific js):
importScript('User:Evad37/GeoHack_replacement_script.js'); // ]
ghrs_mapprovider = "<url>";
- <url> is the url to load, specifiying the replacement variables above instead of actual values
- These urls can be found at ]
- For example, Google Maps:
ghrs_mapprovider = "http://maps.google.com/maps?ll={latdegdec},{londegdec}&spn={span},{span}&q={latdegdec},{londegdec}";
- or for OpenStreetMap:
ghrs_mapprovider = "http://www.openstreetmap.org/index.html?mlat={latdegdec}&mlon={londegdec}&zoom={osmzoom}&layers=B000FTF";
jQuery( function( $ ) {
if (window === undefined) return;
var geohack_base = "//geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php";
var coord_filter = /params=(+)_(*)_?(*)_?()_(+)_(*)_?(*)_?()(*)/;
var replaceLinks = function ( $content ) {
var link, lat, lon, scale;
$content.find("a").each(function() {
console.log(" caption link href:", $(this).attr("href"));
if(coord_filter.exec($(this).attr("href"))) {
// latitude and longitude
lat=(1.0*RegExp.$1) + ((RegExp.$2||0)/60.0) + ((RegExp.$3||0)/3600.0);
if(RegExp.$4!='N') lat*=-1;
lon=(1.0*RegExp.$5) + ((RegExp.$6||0)/60.0) + ((RegExp.$7||0)/3600.0);
if(RegExp.$8=='W') lon*=-1;
// Determine scale/zoom
var params = RegExp.$9;
if(/_globe:(?!earth|_|$)/i.test(params)) return;
if(/_type:(adm3rd|city|mountain|isle|river|waterbody)/.test(params))scale = 100000;
else if(/_type:(event|forest|glacier)/.test(params))scale = 50000;
else if(/_type:(airport|edu|pass|landmark|railwaystation)/.test(params))scale = 10000;
else scale = 300000;
if(/_dim:(+)(km)?m?/.exec(params))scale = RegExp.$1 * (RegExp.$2?10000:10);
if(/_scale:(\d+)(_|$)/.exec(params))scale = RegExp.$1;
var osmzoom = 18 - Math.round(Math.log(scale/1693) / Math.log(2));
var zoom = Math.log( 1.5e8/scale) / Math.log(2);
// Replace link
var replacement_url = ghrs_mapprovider.replace(/\{latdegdec\}/g, lat).replace(/\{londegdec\}/g, lon).replace(/\{scale\}/g, scale).replace(/\{span\}/g, scale/1e6).replace(/\{osmzoom\}/g, osmzoom).replace(/\{zoom\}/g, zoom);
$(this).attr("href", replacement_url).parent().removeClass("plainlinks").parent().removeClass("plainlinks");
// Hook on to changes in page content, including initial load
// Hook onto wikibase UI rendered (i.e. Wikidata mainspace)
mw.hook('wikibase.entityPage.entityView.rendered').add(function() {
// Coords statements have geohack links in kartographer map captions.
// However, initially they are just plain text, and are made into a link
// after a short delay. So for each caption, at intervals of 250ms, we
// check if the link has appeared - until the link is found (and then we
// can replace it), or until the 20th repition (to avoid infinite loop).
if ( !$(".wikibase-kartographer-caption").length ) { return; }
$(".wikibase-kartographer-caption").each(function() {
var interval,
repitions = 0,
context = this;
interval = setInterval(function () {
var $caption = $(context);
if ( $caption.find("a").length ) {
if (repitions === 20) {
}, 250);