importScript('User:Jackmcbarn/editProtectedHelper.js'); // Linkback: ]
importScript( 'User:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist.js' ); // Backlink: ]
//Mass rollback function
//Written by John254 and modified/rewritten by Writ Keeper with modifications by TheDJ; original is at https://en.wikipedia.org
//Adapted from User:Mr.Z-man/rollbackSummary.js
//Instructions: Selecting the "rollback all" tab when viewing a user's contributions history
//will open all rollback links displayed there. (Use with caution)
if(typeof wkContribsCheckboxInit === "undefined")
	wkContribsCheckboxInit = false;

function rollbackEverythingWKMR(editSummary) 
	if(editSummary === null)
		return false;
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).done( function()
		var rbMetadata = {};
		rbMetadata.api = new mw.Api();
		rbMetadata.userName = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
		rbMetadata.ipRange = (rbMetadata.userName === null);
		rbMetadata.titleRegex = /title=(+)/;
		rbMetadata.editSummary = editSummary;
		$("a").each(function(ind, el)
			rollbackOneThingWKMR(el, rbMetadata);
		} );
	} );
	return false;
function rollbackSomeThingsWKMR(editSummary)
	if(editSummary === null)
		return false;
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).done( function()
		var rbMetadata = {};
		rbMetadata.api = new mw.Api();
		rbMetadata.userName = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
		rbMetadata.titleRegex = /title=(+)/;
		rbMetadata.editSummary = editSummary;
		var rollbackList = $("input.revdelIds:checked").parents("").find("a");
		if(rollbackList.length <= 0)
			mw.notify("You didn't select any edits that could be rolled back!");
		$("input.revdelIds:checked").parents("").find("a").each(function(ind, el)
			rollbackOneThingWKMR(el, rbMetadata);
		} );
	} );
function rollbackOneThingWKMR(edit, rbMetadata)
	var userName;
	//if we're in an anonymous IP range, we have to figure out each username on its own, since they might be different for each edit.
	if(rbMetadata.userName === null)
		//the not clause is probably not necessary, but I'm including it just to be sure.
		userName = $(edit).parents("li:first").children("").not(".mw-contributions-title").text();
		userName = rbMetadata.userName;
	var params = {};
	if( rbMetadata.editSummary != '' )
		params.summary = rbMetadata.editSummary;
	rbMetadata.api.rollback( decodeURIComponent(rbMetadata.titleRegex.exec(edit.href)), userName, params).done( function()
	} );
	if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") == "Contributions" && $("").length > 0)
		mw.loader.using("mediawiki.util").done( function ()
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', "rollback all", "ca-rollbackeverything", "rollback all edits displayed here");
				if($(" .mw-revdelundel-link").length > 0)
					$(" .mw-revdelundel-link").each(function(ind,el){
						if($(this).children("a").length > 0)
							var revId = /ids=(\d+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"));
							var pageTitle = /target=(+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"));
							$(el).prepend("<input type='checkbox' name='"+decodeURIComponent(pageTitle)+"' class='revdelIds' value='"+revId+"'>&nbsp;");
							$(el).children(".revdelIds").data("index", ind);
						$(el).before("<input type='checkbox' class='revdelIds'>&nbsp;");
				wkContribsCheckboxInit = true;
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', "rollback selected", "ca-rollbacksome", "rollback selected edits");
			$("#ca-rollbackeverything").click( function(event)
				mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.api' ); //start loading, while the user is in the prompt	
				return rollbackEverythingWKMR(prompt("Enter an edit summary, or leave blank to use the default (or hit Cancel to cancel the rollback entirely)"));
			$("#ca-rollbacksome").click( function(event)
				mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.api' ); //start loading, while the user is in the prompt	
				return rollbackSomeThingsWKMR(prompt("Enter an edit summary, or leave blank to use the default (or hit Cancel to cancel the rollback entirely)"));
importScript( 'User:Enterprisey/orcp-helper.js' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript( 'User:Evad37/OneClickArchiver.js' ); // Backlink: ]
//Mass rollback function
//Written by John254 and modified/rewritten by Writ Keeper with modifications by TheDJ; original is at https://en.wikipedia.org
//Adapted from User:Mr.Z-man/rollbackSummary.js
//Instructions: Selecting the "rollback all" tab when viewing a user's contributions history
//will open all rollback links displayed there. (Use with caution)
if(typeof wkContribsCheckboxInit === "undefined")
	wkContribsCheckboxInit = false;

function rollbackEverythingWKMR(editSummary) 
	if(editSummary === null)
		return false;
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).done( function()
		var rbMetadata = {};
		rbMetadata.api = new mw.Api();
		rbMetadata.userName = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
		rbMetadata.ipRange = (rbMetadata.userName === null);
		rbMetadata.titleRegex = /title=(+)/;
		rbMetadata.editSummary = editSummary;
		$("a").each(function(ind, el)
			rollbackOneThingWKMR(el, rbMetadata);
		} );
	} );
	return false;
function rollbackSomeThingsWKMR(editSummary)
	if(editSummary === null)
		return false;
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).done( function()
		var rbMetadata = {};
		rbMetadata.api = new mw.Api();
		rbMetadata.userName = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
		rbMetadata.titleRegex = /title=(+)/;
		rbMetadata.editSummary = editSummary;
		var rollbackList = $("input.revdelIds:checked").parents("").find("a");
		if(rollbackList.length <= 0)
			mw.notify("You didn't select any edits that could be rolled back!");
		$("input.revdelIds:checked").parents("").find("a").each(function(ind, el)
			rollbackOneThingWKMR(el, rbMetadata);
		} );
	} );
function rollbackOneThingWKMR(edit, rbMetadata)
	var userName;
	//if we're in an anonymous IP range, we have to figure out each username on its own, since they might be different for each edit.
	if(rbMetadata.userName === null)
		//the not clause is probably not necessary, but I'm including it just to be sure.
		userName = $(edit).parents("li:first").children("").not(".mw-contributions-title").text();
		userName = rbMetadata.userName;
	var params = {};
	if( rbMetadata.editSummary != '' )
		params.summary = rbMetadata.editSummary;
	rbMetadata.api.rollback( decodeURIComponent(rbMetadata.titleRegex.exec(edit.href)), userName, params).done( function()
	} );
	if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") == "Contributions" && $("").length > 0)
		mw.loader.using("mediawiki.util").done( function ()
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', "rollback all", "ca-rollbackeverything", "rollback all edits displayed here");
				if($(" .mw-revdelundel-link").length > 0)
					$(" .mw-revdelundel-link").each(function(ind,el){
						if($(this).children("a").length > 0)
							var revId = /ids=(\d+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"));
							var pageTitle = /target=(+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"));
							$(el).prepend("<input type='checkbox' name='"+decodeURIComponent(pageTitle)+"' class='revdelIds' value='"+revId+"'>&nbsp;");
							$(el).children(".revdelIds").data("index", ind);
						$(el).before("<input type='checkbox' class='revdelIds'>&nbsp;");
				wkContribsCheckboxInit = true;
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', "rollback selected", "ca-rollbacksome", "rollback selected edits");
			$("#ca-rollbackeverything").click( function(event)
				mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.api' ); //start loading, while the user is in the prompt	
				return rollbackEverythingWKMR(prompt("Rollback all edits: Enter an edit summary, or leave blank to use the default (or hit Cancel to cancel the rollback entirely)"));
			$("#ca-rollbacksome").click( function(event)
				mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.api' ); //start loading, while the user is in the prompt	
				return rollbackSomeThingsWKMR(prompt("Rollback selected edits: Enter an edit summary, or leave blank to use the default (or hit Cancel to cancel the rollback entirely)"));
			$("#ca-rollbacksome").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);

					var lastSelectedRevdel = $("#ca-rollbacksome").data("lastSelectedIndex");
					var newIndex = $(this).data("index")
					if(ev.shiftKey && lastSelectedRevdel >= 0)
						var checkboxArray = $("input.revdelIds");
						var start = lastSelectedRevdel;
						var stop = newIndex;
						if(start < stop)
							for(var i = start; i < stop; i++)
								$(checkboxArray).prop("checked", true);
							for(var i = start; i > stop; i--)
								$(checkboxArray).prop("checked", true);
					 $("#ca-rollbacksome").data("lastSelectedIndex", newIndex);

importScript('User:Mr. Stradivarius/gadgets/ConfirmRollback.js'); // Linkback: ]
importScript('User:MusikAnimal/confirmationRollback.js'); // Linkback: ]
importScript( 'User:DannyS712/DiscussionCloser.js' );// ]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  What follows is a fork of ] (forked on 27 May 2020)
//  The editor who developed the script is no longer active, and changes to
//  Wikipedia have restricted who can edit the old script page.
//  Please see the edit history for ] for attribution
//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Fix hyphens, dashes, and minus signs per ].
//  See talk page for instructions.
//  The user can disable these conversions by putting "nodashes" somewhere
//  in the text — either temporarily or permanently.  You can similarly add
//  "scores" if the score-detection heuristic doesn't trigger automatically.
//  This tool can be used standalone until it is added to AutoEd and wikEd.
//  This module should follow unicodify.js if it is used.
//  Testing page is at ].
//  Please report false positives on the talk page.

function autoEdDashes (str)
  if ( >= 0)
    return str;

  var scpat = /\bscores?\b|\[\[Category:.*\b(sport|athlet|players|teams|games|league|champion|tournament|competit|cup\b|\w+ball\b|hockey|lacrosse|cricket|rugby|tennis|golf|polo|boxing|boxers||chess)/i;
  var scoresAreLikely = ( >= 0);

  // Ensure the replacement isn't a link such as ] before
  // replacing it, so that we don't break the link. But we do want to
  // replace dashes used in the right-side label part of links.  Also,
  // don't break templates, URLs, DOIs, {{#expr:}}, <math> equations,
  // source code, or <ref name="13-70">.
  function ifNotLink (str)
    var pos    = arguments;
    var string = arguments;

    var pat = /\]*$|\{\{*$|+$|<*$|#\w*expr:.*$/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat) >= 0)
        return str;             // it's a link, so don't change it

    var pat2 = /\{\{(main|see|detail|excerpt|about|for\b|other|redir|conv|coor|sort|anchor|Israel populations|ISBN|DNB(?: ite|)|ite DNB)*$/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat2) >= 0)
        return str;             // likely templates with page-name or neg params
    var pat3 = /\|\s*(CAS_number)\s*=\s*/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat3) >= 0)
        return str;             // drugbox CAS_number
    var pat4 = /\|\s*(doi|elevation|filename|isbn)\s*=\s*/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat4) >= 0)
        return str;             // doi or isbn (or elevation parameter in Template:Infobox German location which can contain range marked using hyphen)

    var m = string.slice(pos).search(/<\/?(math|pre|code|tt|source|syntaxhighlight|gallery)\b/i);
    if (m >= 0 && string.charAt(pos+m+1) == '/')
        return str;             // don't break a <math> equation, or source code

    m = string.slice(pos).search(/\{\{*raph:Chart\b/i);
    if (m >= 0)
        return str;             // don't break a Graph:Chart

    if (string.slice(pos).search(/^<>\n]*\.({3,4}\s*|jpg|png|svg)|^.*hyphen/i) >= 0)
        return str;             // it's a file name parameter, or <!--sic hyphen-->

    if (\b/) >= 0)
        return str.replace(//, "−");       // minus sign
        return str.replace(/--+\b/g, "—") . replace(/+/g, "–");     // dash

  str = str.replace(/\s--?\s/g, ifNotLink);                 // en dash looks better
  str = str.replace(/---?/ig, ifNotLink);     // em dash
  str = str.replace(/\d\d\d]*}*(present|current)\b/ig, ifNotLink);       // 1973-present
  str = str.replace(/(18|19|20)\d\d]*}*/g, ifNotLink);     // (1973-)
  str = str.replace(/\d(s|%|\?|''')\d/g, ifNotLink);    // 1950s-1960s, 40%-50%
  str = str.replace(/\d(\$|'+)\d/g, ifNotLink);         // $40-$50, 7-'''4''', '49-'53
  str = str.replace(/%?/g, ifNotLink);           // 3½-6
  str = str.replace(/\d(st|nd|rd|th)?\d+(st|nd|rd|th)\b/g, ifNotLink);   // 2nd-3rd

  str = str.replace(/(>] +|\(|^\| *|\|\| *)\d/mig, ifNotLink);   // minus -35
  str = str.replace(/<((sup|sub|td)>\s*)(\d)/ig, "<$1−$3");         // 10<sup>-3</sup>
  str = str.replace(/,*(?=.? ) * *(\d*:\d\d)/g, " – $1");   // album track listings

  // November 15, 2005-March 7, 2006; ]-]
  str = str.replace(/(\d\]*)(\* +\d)/g, "$1 – $2");
  // July-August 2007
  str = str.replace(/\b((Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)*?\b){2,}/g, ifNotLink);
  // ]-]
  str = str.replace(/(\d(?: BC)?\]\])((ca?\.|AD ?)?\)/g, "$1–$2");
  // (1984 – 1992)
  str = str.replace(/( *\*) + +(\*\s*)/g, "$1–$2");
  // iv-xii
  str = str.replace(/(?=\w+-)(m*(cm|cd|d?c*)(xc|xl|l?x*)(ix|iv|v?i*)-?\b){2}/g, ifNotLink);

  if (scoresAreLikely)      // W-L-D or 73–70–67–70=280, but not castling
    str = str.replace(/(?!0-0-0)(\d\d?\d?){2,}\d\d?/g, ifNotLink);

  str = str.replace(/\b(\d+)(year|month|day|hour|minute|mile|yard|foot|inch|bit|door|speed|gun|page|seat|way|point|ton|man)\b/g, "$1-$2");     // hyphen

  // Number ranges and scores should use en dashes, per ].
  // This has been well-tested and false positives (e.g., ID nos.) are rare.
  function range (str, from,to, pos,string)
    var dash   = true;
    var except = /\b(fig(ure)?|table|example|exhibit|circular|section|part|number|no|nr|id|model|pub|std|report|rpt|law|L|p|page|date|IS\wN\b*|SCOTUS)*$/i;
    var rpat   = /^(|nbsp)*(AD|BC|B?CE|BP|a|km|mi|kg|lb|\w?Hz|vote|decision|record|odds|scor\w*|win|loss|tie|draw|lead|victory|defeat|upset|run|deficit|start|finish|season|game)\b/;
    var lpat   = /\b(pages|pp|rp|nos|\d+\)?'*|(wn|lost?|tie|dr.w|lea?d|f.ll|vot|rul|decid|pass|fail|defeat|scor|gam|match|trail|finish|end)e??|\w\w+ing|ahead|behind|up|down|from|to|is|are|was|were|of|out|by|an?|at|it|went|go|gone|beaten|between)(|nbsp)*$/i;
    var inorder   = (to-0 > from.slice(-to.length));     // pp 362-5
    var precision = Math.max(*$/),*$/) );

    if (string.substring(pos-20,pos+1).search(except) >= 0) {
        return str;      // based on preceding word, looks like a ref number
    if (from == 9 && to == 11) {
        dash = false;    // 9-11 is a common special case
    if (from-0 >= to) {
        dash = false;    // values don't look like a range
    if (to-from > 120 && from * (precision > 2 ? 5 : 50) < to && from > 1) {
        dash = false;    // values don't look like a range
    if (scoresAreLikely && from <= 900 && to <= 900) {
        dash = true;     // likely a score or wins-losses
    if (from < 2-to &&*\bChess\b/i) >= 0) {
        dash = false;    // chess notations 0-0, 0-1, 1-0
    if (str.charAt(0) == '(' && string.charAt(pos + str.length) == ')') {
        dash = true;     // scores often seen as (8-4)
    if (^0./) >= 0 ||^0./) >= 0) {
        dash = false;    // 3-07 and 0123-4567 look like ref numbers
    if (string.substr(pos-1,15).search(/^\d()\d+.\d+\1\d/) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // 10:30-11:30, 35,000-40,000, 2.5-4.0
    if (string.substr(pos,30).search(rpat) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // 12-5 BC, 5-5000&nbsp;km, 6-4 win, 73-50 vote
    if (string.substring(pos-80,pos).search(lpat) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // pp.&nbsp;8, 25, 270-74, 313-7; won 6-4, 6-2
    if (from > 1000 && from < 2100 && to.length == 2 && inorder) {
        dash = true;     // 1994-95 year range
    return dash ? ifNotLink(str,pos,string) : str;

  str = str.replace(/(\d{1,4})(\d{1,4})(?!'*)/g, range);

  return str;

//  Hook to allow using this tool "standalone"

if (importScript("Wikipedia:AutoEd/core.js"))   // if not otherwise using AutoEd

    function autoEdFunctions() {
        var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
        var str = txt.value.
                  replace(/&mdash;/g, '—').
                  replace(/&ndash;/g, '–').     // simplify core regexes
                  replace(/&minus;/g, '−');
        var newstr = autoEdDashes( str );
        if (newstr != str) {         // don't alter encoding style if no fixes
            txt.value = newstr;
            autoEdTag = "fixed ] using ]";
    autoEdLinkName  = "–";
    autoEdLinkHover = "Fix dashes, hyphens, and minus signs";
    autoEdTag       = "";
importScript( 'User:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist.js' ); // Backlink: ]
mw.loader.load( '/w/index.php?title=User:EnterpriseyBot/delsort.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript( 'User:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist.js' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript( 'User:SD0001/BDCS.js' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript("User:Awesome Aasim/xfdvote.");
importScript('User:Novem Linguae/Scripts/CiteHighlighter.js'); // Backlink: ]
importScript( 'User:Ingenuity/AntiVandal.js' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript( 'User:MPGuy2824/MoveToDraft.js' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript("User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/teahouseUtility.js"); // Gives one-click option to add Teahouse invitation or talkback to a user

importScript("User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/teahouseTalkback.js"); // Adds Talkback reminder when you save an edit at the Teahouse

importScript("User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/teahouseTalkbackLink.js"); // Adds a talkback link to signatures on the Teahouse

importScript("User:Ocaasi/WikiLoveinstallscript.js");// Adds Teahouse Badges to WikiLove
importScript('User:SD0001/DYK-helper.js'); // ]
importScript( 'User:Enterprisey/cv-revdel.js' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript('User:Shubinator/DYKcheck.js'); //DYKcheck tool
importScript( 'User:Headbomb/unreliable.js' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript( 'User:Eejit43/scripts/redirect-helper.js' ); // Backlink: ]
mw.loader.load( '/w/index.php?title=User:Evad37/rater.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' ); // Backlink: ]
importScript('User:SD0001/GAN-helper.js'); // ]
// <nowiki>
// Attribution: Enterprisey and Red-tailed Hawk
// Licenses: CC BY-SA 3.0 unported and GFDL
// License link (CC):
// License link (GNU):

$( function () {
    var ADVERT = " (])";
    var SUMMARY = "Requesting copyvio revdel" + ADVERT;
    var SUMMARY_TALK = "Add note about recent copyvio" + ADVERT;
    var CCLEAN_TPL = "Cclean";
    var pageName; // Current page name
    var urlCounter = 1;
    var api;

     * Make a link to a given oldid of the current page.
    function makeOldidLink( oldid ) {
        var href = "/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent( pageName ) +
            "&oldid=" + oldid;
        var link = document.createElement( "a" );
        link.href = href;
        link.textContent = oldid;
        return link;

     * Add the appropriate copyvio-revdel template to the current page.
    function addCvRevdel( urls ) {
        var deferred = $.Deferred();

        var template = "{" + "{copyvio-revdel";
        template += function ( u, idx ) {
                    var num = idx == 0 ? "" : ( idx + 1 );
                    return "|url" + num + "=" + u;
                } ).join( "" );
        var rows = document.querySelectorAll( "#cv-revdel tr" );
        var num;
        for( var i = 1, n = rows.length; i < n; i++ ) {
            template += "|start" + i + "=" + rows.childNodes.textContent
                + ( rows.childNodes.childNodes.checked ? ( "|end" + i + "=" + rows.childNodes.textContent ) : "" );
        template = template + "|CopyPatrol="+ document.getElementById("copypatrol-url0").value;
        template += "}}";

        api.postWithToken( "csrf", {
            action: "edit",
            title: pageName,
            summary: SUMMARY,
            prependtext: template + "\n"
        } ).done( function ( d ) {
            if( d && d.edit && d.edit.result && d.edit.result == "Success" ) {
                $( "#cv-rd-status" ).text( "Success!" );
            } else if( d && d.error ) {
                $( "#cv-rd-status" ).html( "Error! Edit failed: " + );
                console.log( d );
            } else {
                $( "#cv-rd-status" ).html( "Error! Edit failed." );
                console.log( d );
        } ).fail( function ( code, result ) {
            console.log( code, result );
            if( result && result.error && result.error.spamblacklist ) {
                $( "#cv-rd-status" ).html( "Error! The following URLs were on the <a href='" + mw.util.getUrl( "MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist" ) + "'>spam blacklist</a>: " + result.error.spamblacklist.matches.join( ", " ) + ". Consider removing the 'https://' or 'http://' from the beginning to make them not links." );
            } else {
                $( "#cv-rd-status" ).html( api.getErrorMessage( result ) );
        } );

        return deferred;

    function addCclean( urls ) {
        var deferred = $.Deferred(),
            template = "{" + "{subst:cclean|url=" + urls.join( " " ) + "}}",
            talkNs = mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) | 1,
            talkNsName = mw.config.get( "wgFormattedNamespaces" ),
            talkPage = talkNsName + ":" + mw.config.get( "wgTitle" );
        api.postWithToken( "csrf", {
            action: "edit",
            title: talkPage,
            summary: SUMMARY_TALK,
            appendtext: "\n\n" + template
        } ).done( function ( d ) {
            if( d && d.edit && d.edit.result && d.edit.result == "Success" ) {
            } else {
                console.log( d );
        } ).fail( function ( code, result ) {
            $( "#cv-rd-status" ).append( "Also, while editing " + talkPage +
                    ", this error happened: " + api.getErrorMessage( result ) );
            console.log( code, result );
        } );
        return deferred;

     * Load the main cv-revdel panel and add buttons/other stuff to
     * the history UI
    function load( evt ) {
        if( evt ) evt.preventDefault();

        // Don't load the panel for a second time if it's already there
        if( document.getElementById( "cv-revdel" ) ) return;

        api = new mw.Api();

        // Style for the panel
            "#cv-revdel { border: thin solid rgb(197, 197, 197); " +
            "box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); border-radius: 3px;" +
            "padding: 2em; display: inline-block }" +
            "#cv-revdel table { margin: 1em 0 }" +
            "#cv-revdel td { padding: 0 0.5em }" +
            "#cv-revdel a.disabled {color: gray;text-decoration: line-through;font-style: italic;}" +
            "#cv-rd-submit { margin-right: 1em }"+
            "#cv-rd-urls input { width: 50%; min-width: 30em; }"+
            "#cv-rd-urls div { margin-bottom: 0.35em; }"+
            "#cv-revdel div.bottom-row { margin-top: 1em; }"+
            "#cv-rd-add-range { margin-right: 0.5em; }"

        // Add the panel itself
        var panel = document.createElement( "div" ); = "cv-revdel";
        var urlHTML = "<div id='cv-rd-urls'>" +
            "<div><label for='cv-rd-url0'>URL: </label><input type='text' "+
            "id='cv-rd-url0' class='mw-ui-input mw-ui-input-inline'/>"+
            "<button class='mw-ui-button mw-ui-quiet'>Remove</button></div>" +
            "<button id='cv-rd-url-add' class='mw-ui-button'>Add another</button>";
        var copyPatrolHTML = "<div><label for='copypatrol-url0'> CopyPatrol URL: </label><input type='text' "+
            "id='copypatrol-url0' class='mw-ui-input mw-ui-input-inline'/>";
        panel.innerHTML = "<p>Instructions: Select a range of revisions using " +
            "the radio buttons you would normally use for comparing two " +
            "revisions, then click 'Add range to revdel template' to add the " +
            "range to the template. 'Include end?' should be unchecked to tag " +
            "only the single revision in the 'Start' column. Fill in URLs, and " +
            "then click 'Submit' to place the template.</p><br />" +
            urlHTML + "<p>\n\n</p>"+ copyPatrolHTML + "<table id='cv-rd-ranges'><tr><th>Start</th><th>End</th>" +
            "<th>Include end?</th><th>Remove</th></table>" +
            "<input type='checkbox' id='cv-rd-cclean' />" +
            "<label for='cv-rd-cclean'>Add {{subst:<a href='" + 
              mw.util.getUrl( "Template:" + CCLEAN_TPL ) + "'>Cclean</a>}} to " +
              ( ( mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) % 2 ) ? "this" : "talk" ) +
              " page</label><br />"+
            "<div class='bottom-row'><button id='cv-rd-submit' class='mw-ui-button"+
              " mw-ui-progressive'>Submit</button>" +
              "<button id='cv-rd-close' class='mw-ui-button mw-ui-quiet'>Close</button>"+
              "<span id='cv-rd-status'></span></div>";
        document.getElementById( "bodyContent" ).insertBefore( panel,
            document.getElementById( "mw-content-text" ) );

        // Add range-add buttons before each of the buttons
        // that say "Compare selected revisions"
        var cmpSelRevsBtns = document.getElementsByClassName( "historysubmit" );
        for( var i = 0, n = cmpSelRevsBtns.length; i < n; i++ ) {
            var rangeBtn = document.createElement( "button" );
            rangeBtn.textContent = "Add range to revdel template";
            rangeBtn.className = "mw-ui-button + mw-ui-progressive";
   = "cv-rd-add-range";
            cmpSelRevsBtns.parentNode.insertBefore( rangeBtn, cmpSelRevsBtns );
            rangeBtn.addEventListener( "click", function ( evt ) {

                var oldidStart = document.querySelector( "li.selected.after" ).dataset.mwRevid;
                var oldidEnd = document.querySelector( "li.selected.before" ).dataset.mwRevid;

                // Add new row to ranges table
                var rangesTable = document.getElementById( "cv-rd-ranges" ).getElementsByTagName( "tbody" );
                var newRow = rangesTable.insertRow( rangesTable.rows.length );
                newRow.insertCell( 0 ).appendChild( makeOldidLink( oldidStart ) );
                newRow.insertCell( 1 ).appendChild( makeOldidLink( oldidEnd ) );
                newRow.insertCell( 2 ).innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' />";
                newRow.cells.childNodes.checked = true;
                newRow.cells.childNodes.addEventListener( "click", function () {
                    this.parentNode.previousElementSibling.childNodes.className = this.checked ? "" : "disabled";
                } );
                var deleteBtn = document.createElement( "button" );
                deleteBtn.textContent = "Delete";
                deleteBtn.className = "delete";
                deleteBtn.addEventListener( "click", function () {
                        this.parentNode.parentNode );
                } );
                newRow.insertCell( 3 ).appendChild( deleteBtn );
            } );

        // Panel submission handler
        document.getElementById( "cv-rd-submit" ).addEventListener( "click", function () {
            $( this ).prop( "disabled", true );
            $( "#cv-rd-status" ).empty();
            var urls = document.getElementById( "cv-rd-urls" ).children,
                    function ( e ) { return e.children.value; } );
            var deferreds = ;
            if( document.getElementById( "cv-rd-cclean" ).checked ) {
                deferreds.push( addCclean( urls ) );
            $.when.apply( $, deferreds ).then( function () {
                // Return to content page
                document.querySelector( "#ca-view a" ).click();
            }, function () {
                $( this ).prop( "disabled", false );
            }.bind( this ) );
        } );

        // "Add URL" handler
        document.getElementById( "cv-rd-url-add" ).addEventListener( "click", function () {
            var numUrls = document.querySelectorAll( "#cv-rd-urls div" ).length;
            if( numUrls < 3 ) {
                var newDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
                newDiv.innerHTML = "<label for='cv-rd-url" + urlCounter + "'>URL: </label>"+
                    "<input type='text' id='cv-rd-url" + urlCounter +
                    "' class='mw-ui-input mw-ui-input-inline'/>"+
                    "<button class='mw-ui-button mw-ui-quiet'>Remove</button>";
                document.getElementById( "cv-rd-urls" ).appendChild( newDiv );
                this.disabled = numUrls >= 2;
        } );

        // Remove URL handler
        document.getElementById( "cv-rd-urls" ).addEventListener( "click", function ( e ) {
            var numUrls = document.querySelectorAll( "#cv-rd-urls div" ).length;
            if( && === 1 && numUrls > 1 &&
           === "button" ) {
                this.removeChild( document.getElementById( "id" ) ).parentNode );
                document.getElementById( "cv-rd-url-add" ).disabled = false;
        } );

        // Close handler
        document.getElementById( "cv-rd-close" ).addEventListener( "click", function () {
            $( "#cv-revdel" ).remove();
            $( ".cv-rd-add-range" ).remove();
        } );

        document.querySelector( "#cv-rd-urls input" ).focus();

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        if( mw.config.get( "wgAction" ) == "history" ) {
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        } else if( mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) >= 0 ) {
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mw.loader.load( '/w/index.php?title=User:Chlod/Scripts/Deputy.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' ); // Backlink: ]
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//Fork of ]
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