/*global $, mw */
///An updated version of ] (adapted from ])
if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == -1
&& mw.config.get("wgTitle").toLowerCase() == "massrestore"
&& /sysop/.test(mw.config.get("wgUserGroups"))) {
* Mediawiki takes WAY too long for the document ready to load; this will
* listen for the actual body being loaded before that.
new Promise(resolve => {
var interval = window.setInterval(function () {
if ($("#footer") && $("#mw-navigation")) {
}, 100);
}).then(function () {
$("h1").html("Mass-restoration tool");
document.title = "Tim's mass-restoration tool - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia";
$(mw.config.get("skin") == "cologneblue" ? "#article" : "#bodyContent").html(
"<h3 id=\"siteSub\">From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</h3><br /><br />"
+ "<form id=\"wpMassRestore\" name=\"wpMassRestore\">"
+ "<b>If you abuse this tool, it's <i>your</i> fault, not mine.</b>"
+ "<div id=\"wpMassRestoreFailedContainer\"></div>"
+ "<br /><br />"
+ "Pages to restore(one on each line, please):<br />"
+ "<textarea tabindex=\"1\" accesskey=\",\" name=\"wpMassRestorePages\" "
+ "id=\"wpMassRestorePages\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"80\"></textarea>"
+ "<br /><br /><table style=\"background-color:transparent\">"
+ "<tr><td>Reason:</td>"
+ "<td><input type=\"text\" id=\"wpMassRestoreReason\" name=\"wpMassRestoreReason\""
+ " maxlength=\"255\" /></td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td><input type=\"button\" id=\"wpMassRestoreSubmit\" name=\"wpMassRestoreSubmit\""
+ " value=\"Restore\"/></td>" + "</form>");
$("#wpMassRestoreSubmit").click(function () {
$("#wpMassRestoreSubmit").attr("disabled", true);
var wpMassRestoreReason = $("#wpMassRestoreReason").val();
var restored = 0;
var errors = {};
url: mw.config.get("wgScriptPath") + "/api.php",
data: {
format: "json",
action: "query",
prop: "info",
intoken: "edit",
titles: $("#wpMassRestorePages").val().split("\n").join("|")
}).then(function (data) {
Promise.all($.map(data.query.pages, function (info) {
function fail(e) {
errors = e;
return $.ajax({
method: "post",
url: mw.config.get("wgScriptPath") + "/api.php",
data: {
action: "undelete",
reason: wpMassRestoreReason,
token: info.edittoken,
title: info.title
}).then(function (subdata) {
// If restored, update the restored count and the button.
if (subdata.undelete) {
} else {
}, fail);
})).then($.noop, $.noop).then(function () {
$("#wpMassRestoreSubmit").val("Done (" + restored + ")");
if (!$.isEmptyObject(errors)) {
var ul = $("<ul></ul>");
$.each(errors, function (title, e) {
ul.append("<li><a href=\"" + mw.config.get("wgScript") + "?title=" +
encodeURIComponent(title) + "\">" + title + "</a>: " + e + "</li>");
"<br /><strong>Failed restorations:</strong>").append(ul);