/* CSS rules for use with ]. To include these rules,
 * insert the following into your ] (yes, monobook.js not monobook.css):

importStylesheet('User:Anomie/linkclassifier.css'); // Linkback: ]

 * Please keep the linkback comment so I can know who is using this.
SPAN.a,                            A                            { color:#002bb8; }
SPAN.a_visited,                    A:visited                    { border-bottom:1px dotted silver;}
SPAN.a_new,                        A.new                        { color:#cc2200; }
SPAN.a_new_visited,                A.new:visited                { border-bottom:1px dotted silver; }

SPAN.a_redirect,                   A.redirect                   { color:DarkCyan }
SPAN.a_redirect_visited,           A.redirect:visited           { border-bottom:1px dotted silver; }
SPAN.a_self-redirect,              A.self-redirect              { background-color:#ffff88; }
SPAN.a_broken-redirect,            A.broken-redirect            { color:#cc2200; background-color:#ffff88; }
SPAN.a_broken-redirect_visited,    A.broken-redirect:visited    { color:#aa4444; background-color:#ffff88; }
SPAN.a_sisterproject,              A.sisterproject              { background-color:LightCyan; }

SPAN.a_disambiguation,             A.disambiguation             { background-color:#ffff88; }
SPAN.a_intentional-disambiguation, A.intentional-disambiguation { background-color:#ffffcc; }

SPAN.a_proxy-ip,                   A.proxy-ip                   { background-color:Thistle  ; }
SPAN.a_userwarning,                A.userwarning                { background-color:LightPink ; }
SPAN.a_userwarning_visited,        A.userwarning_visited        { border-bottom:1px dotted silver; }

SPAN.a_deletion,                   A.deletion                   { background-color:LightPink ; }
SPAN.a_deletion_visited,           A.deletion:visited           {border-bottom:1px dotted silver; }
SPAN.a_reviews,                    A.reviews                    { background-color:lightgreen; }

SPAN.a_featured-content,           A.featured-content           { color:#008800; }
SPAN.a_featured-content2,           A.featured-content2           { color:#004400;  }
/* SPAN.a_good-content,               A.good-content               { color:#009900 ; } */
SPAN.a_stubcls,                    A.stubcls                    { color:DarkSlateBlue;        ; }
SPAN.a_stubcls_visited,            A.stubcls:visited            { border-bottom:1px dotted silver; }
SPAN.a_broken-content,             A.broken-content             { color:#ff0088 }

A.unprintworthy:not(.unprintworthy-shortcut) { outline:1px dotted #ff0000; }

A.image.redirect         > IMG { outline:2px solid #00bb00; } /* Doesn't work, because the generated link goes to the redirect target */
A.image.nonfree-media    > IMG { outline:3px double #ff0000; }
A.image.deletion         > IMG { outline:2px solid #ff0088; }
A.image.deletion:visited > IMG { outline-color:#cc2277; }

/* Images can be inserted after links with the ":after" pseudo-element, although this doesn't work in IE <8. */
A.featured-content:after {
A.protection-edit-sysop-indef:after {
A.nonimage.protection-create-sysop-indef:after {

/* If you're wanting to put multiple images after, you'll need to give specific
 * rules for each combination, something like this:
A.featured-content.protection-edit-sysop-indef:after {
    content:url(//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Featured_article_star.svg/12px-Featured_article_star.svg.png) url(//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Padlock-red.svg/12px-Padlock-red.svg.png);