/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Klasa wielokrotnego użytku do "łagodnych" komunikatów Javascriptowych
Copyright: ©2008-2010 Maciej Jaros (pl:User:Nux, en:User:Nux)
Licencja: GNU General Public License v2
For best results in IE add this to your CSS:
html {height:100%}
\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Object
function sftJSmsg()
this.ver = this.version = '0.2.0';
this.msgEls = new Array();
// settings
this.showCancel = false; // show cancel button
this.noButtons = false; // no buttons - NOTE: you'll have to close message for yourself if you use it
this.createRegularForm = false; // instead of a simple popup use popup to submit a form created in it
this.RegularForm = { // settings for a form (if createRegularForm==ture)
'method' : 'POST', // default method
'action' : location.href // default actions
this.autoOKClose = true; // add close action for OK button
this.styleZbase = 50000; // base z-index for msg (note that there can be more z-indexes used)
this.styleTop = 100;
this.styleWidth = 330;
this.pozFromTop = 40;
// lang
this.lang = {
'OK' : 'OK',
'Cancel' : 'Anuluj'
// .init()
this.init = function()
var glob = document.body;
var nel;
// document shade
nel = document.createElement('div');
nel.style.cssText = 'background:white;filter:alpha(opacity=75);opacity:0.75;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;';
nel.style.width = document.documentElement.scrollWidth+'px';
nel.style.height= document.documentElement.scrollHeight+'px';
nel.style.display = 'none';
this.msgEls = nel;
// main message element
nel = document.createElement('div');
nel.style.cssText = 'text-align:center;background:white;padding:5px 10px;border:1px solid black;position:absolute;';
// przy ustawionym min-height
// if (nel.style.maxHeight==undefined) nel.style.height='300px'; // IE blah...
nel.style.display = 'none';
var elAppender = this.elMain = this.msgEls = nel;
// form element
if (this.createRegularForm)
nel = document.createElement('form');
nel.setAttribute('action', this.RegularForm.action);
nel.setAttribute('method', this.RegularForm.method);
for (var key in this.RegularForm)
nel.setAttribute(key, this.RegularForm);
elAppender = nel; // podmiana, żeby zawartość i przyciski były w elemencie FORM
// message content
nel = document.createElement('div');
nel.style.margin = '1em .5em';
this.elContent = nel;
if (!this.noButtons)
// message buttons elements
nel = document.createElement('div');
nel.style.marginBottom = '1em';
this.msgBtns = new Object();
this.msgBtns.parent = nel;
this.msgBtns.parent.sftJSmsg = this;
// OK (always)
nel = document.createElement('input');
nel.setAttribute('type', (!this.createRegularForm) ? 'button' : 'submit');
nel.setAttribute('name', 'submit');
nel.setAttribute('value', this.lang);
nel.style.padding = '0 1em';
this.msgBtns.ok = nel;
// Cancel (if asked for by the user)
if (this.showCancel)
nel = document.createElement('input');
nel.setAttribute('type', 'button');
nel.setAttribute('value', this.lang);
nel.onclick = this.close;
nel.style.marginLeft = '1em';
this.msgBtns.cancel = nel;
// setup user changable styles
// enable resize
smpAddEvent(window, 'resize', function() {
window.sftJSmsgs = this;
// .reInit()
// reInit so that changed styles will work
this.reInit = function()
// ew. korekta wielkości cienia z tyłu
var shade_el = this.msgEls;
shade_el.style.width = document.documentElement.scrollWidth+'px';
shade_el.style.height= document.documentElement.scrollHeight+'px';
// z-index
for (var i=0; i<this.msgEls.length; i++)
this.msgEls.style.zIndex = this.styleZbase+i;
// top
if (this.styleTop==undefined) // auto-top
var cur_scroll = qmGetPageScroll();
this.styleTop = cur_scroll+this.pozFromTop;
this.elMain.style.top = this.styleTop+'px';
// width + left
var left=undefined;
if (this.styleWidth==undefined) // auto-width
this.elMain.style.width = '';
if (this.styleLeft==undefined)
left = 100; // if both undefined then left cannot be computed
this.elMain.style.width = this.styleWidth+'px';
// final left setup
var glob = document.body;
if (left==undefined && this.styleLeft==undefined) // if not yet set
left = Math.floor(glob.clientWidth/2 - this.styleWidth/2);
left = this.styleLeft;
this.elMain.style.left = ((left<10) ? 10 : left)+'px'; // including padding
// .show(html, strOKclick)
this.show = function(html, strOKclick)
// init / reInit
if (this.msgEls.length==0)
// wiadomosc
if (!this.prevHTML || html!=this.prevHTML)
this.prevHTML = html;
this.elContent.innerHTML = html;
if (!this.noButtons)
// akcja
if (typeof strOKclick =='string' && strOKclick.length>0)
if (this.autoOKClose)
this.msgBtns.ok.akcja = this.close;
this.msgBtns.ok.onclick = new Function(strOKclick +'; this.akcja()');
this.msgBtns.ok.onclick = new Function(strOKclick);
else //if (!this.createRegularForm)
this.msgBtns.ok.onclick = this.close;
// pokaż
for (var i=0; i<this.msgEls.length; i++)
this.msgEls.style.display = 'block';
// scroll
var cur_scroll = qmGetPageScroll();
window.scroll(cur_scroll, this.styleTop-this.pozFromTop);
// .close()
var _this = this; // to avoid this problems when hooked to a button
this.close = function()
for (var i=0; i<_this.msgEls.length; i++)
_this.msgEls.style.display = 'none';
// .setOKdisabled(disable)
this.setOKdisabled = function(disable)
this.msgBtns.ok.disabled = disable;
window.sftJSmsg = sftJSmsg;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Simple messages
* add a way to stop quee messages (in the second message comming from quee)
\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Object init
var oJsAlert = {
oMsg : null,
arrQuee : ,
isVisible : false
window.oJsAlert = oJsAlert;
// init msg for alerts
oJsAlert.init = function ()
var msg = new sftJSmsg();
msg.styleTop = undefined; // = auto-top = don't scroll
var win_size = qmGetWindowSize();
poz_top = Math.floor(win_size/2)-100; // ~middle
if (poz_top<0)
poz_top = 20;
msg.pozFromTop = poz_top;
msg.styleWidth = 400;
msg.showCancel = false;
msg.autoOKClose = false;
msg.createRegularForm = false;
oJsAlert.oMsg = msg;
jQuery (oJsAlert.init);
// Unqueed show
oJsAlert.show = function (txt)
// set visibility for quee
oJsAlert.isVisible = true;
// add quee runner
var strOKclick = "oJsAlert.close();";
// show alert
var msg = oJsAlert.oMsg;
msg.styleTop = undefined; // = auto-top = don't scroll
var win_size = qmGetWindowSize();
poz_top = Math.floor(win_size/2)-200; // ~middle
if (poz_top<0)
poz_top = 20;
msg.pozFromTop = poz_top;
msg.styleWidth = 400;
+'<div class="jsAlert">'
// hide and check for next
oJsAlert.close = function ()
// set visibility
oJsAlert.isVisible = false;
// close (hide) message box
// quee
// quee (FIFO)
oJsAlert.quee = function ()
if (oJsAlert.arrQuee.length>0)
var txt = oJsAlert.arrQuee.shift();
// alert() replacement
function jsAlert(txt)
// not loaded? add to quee...
if (oJsAlert.oMsg == null)
if (oJsAlert.arrQuee.length==1)
jQuery (function(){oJsAlert.quee()});
// already visible? add to quee
else if (oJsAlert.isVisible)
// otherwise just show
oJsAlert.show (txt);
window.jsAlert = jsAlert;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Various functions based on info and scripts from
Copyright: ©2008 Maciej Jaros (pl:User:Nux, en:User:Nux), Peter-Paul Koch
Licencja: Public domain
\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// element
function qmFindPos(obj)
if (typeof obj != 'object' || obj==null)
return ;
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent)
curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return ;
// page X, Y scroll
function qmGetPageScroll()
var retArray;
if (self.pageYOffset) // FF, Opera (probably all except IE)
retArray = ;
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) // IE 6 Strict
retArray = ;
else if (document.body) // IE
retArray = ;
return retArray;
// window
function qmGetWindowSize()
var retArray;
if (typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number') // FF, Opera (probably all except IE)
retArray =
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) //IE 6 strict
retArray = ;
else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) //IE 4 compatible
retArray = ;
return retArray;
if (typeof smpAddEvent != 'function')
function smpAddEvent(obj, onwhat, fun)
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(onwhat, fun, false);
else if (obj.attachEvent)
obj.attachEvent('on'+onwhat, fun);
// error
// Correct size of the shade element(s) on window resize
window.sftJSmsgs = new Array();
smpAddEvent(window, 'resize', function()
if (window.sftJSmsgs.length<1)
for (var i=window.sftJSmsgs.length-1; i>=0; i--)
var msg = window.sftJSmsgs;
if (msg.msgEls.style.display == 'block')