Code page 778

In this article we want to address the topic of Code page 778 in depth, analyzing its implications from different perspectives and offering a complete overview of the issue. Code page 778 is a topic of utmost importance today, as it has a significant impact on various aspects of society. Throughout these pages, we will explore its origin, evolution, implications and possible solutions, with the aim of providing the reader with a broad and detailed overview of Code page 778. Through a comprehensive and rigorous approach, we hope to contribute to the understanding and reflection on this topic that is so relevant today.

Code page 778 (also known as CP 778) is a code page used under DOS to write the Lithuanian language. It is a modification of code page 775 to support the accented Lithuanian letters and phonetic symbols for Lithuanian. This code page is also known as LST 1590-2.

Character set

The following table shows code page 778. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (code points 128–255) is shown, the first half (code points 0–127) being the same as code page 437.

Code page 778
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
8x Á ü é à ä ã á ù ą́ Ė̃ ė̃ i̇́ È Ä Ã
9x É ū́ Ū́ ý ö Ę́ Ú ú Ö Ü ė́ Ę̃ Ė́ Ũ i̇̃
Ax À Í ó è Ñ Ū̃ Ų́ Ų̃ ų́ Ù
Bx ɑ Ą Č Ę Ė ɔ Į Š
Cx ə ɜ ɡ ɪ Ų Ū ŋ θ ʃ ʊ Ž
Dx ą č ę ė į š ų ū ž ´ ʌ ʒ ˈ ˌ
Ex Ó ß Ý Į̃ õ Õ į̇̃ Ì i̇̀ Į́ į̇́ ò Ą́ Ò ų̃
Fx SHY ą̃ ū̃ Ą̃ ũ Ĩ æ ð ñ ę̃ ę́ j̇̃ NBSP

Previously, code point 0xDB mapped to (U+2588 FULL BLOCK), and 0xFE mapped to (U+25A0 BLACK SQUARE).


  1. ^ Aivosto. "Codepages: Comprehensive list". Retrieved 2019-08-28.
  2. ^ "Rašmenų koduotės". Lietuvių kalba informacinėse technologijose.
  3. ^ "LST 1590-2". Rašmenų koduotės.
  4. ^ "Image: 778.gif, (1772 × 2362 px)". Retrieved 2019-08-28.