
In today's world, Couvreface has gained great relevance in different areas. Whether in politics, technology, economics or society in general, Couvreface has become a topic of constant interest and debate. The importance of Couvreface lies in its impact on people's daily lives, as well as its influence on the development and evolution of different aspects of society. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the role Couvreface plays in our lives, exploring its implications and consequences in different contexts.
A : Counterguard B : Couvreface (idealised graphic in which all accompanying works such as moats or glacis have been omitted)

A couvreface in fortification architecture is a small outwork that was built in front of the actual fortress ditch before bastions or ravelins. It usually just consisted of a low rampart with a breastwork that protected its defending infantry. Another ditch in front of the work guarded it from immediate frontal assault. The function of couvrefaces was to protect the faces of the higher ravelin or bastion behind it from direct artillery fire. So that the couvreface and the works behind it could not come under simultaneous fire from an enemy battery along the line of the ramparts they were not allowed to run parallel to one another. Similar to the couvreface is the larger counterguard which, by contrast, was designed to enable the positioning of guns. Couvrefaces are found particularly in Dutch and French fortifications from the 17th to the early 19th centuries.


  1. ^ Rüstow: Militärisches Handwörterbuch. 1859, s.v. Contregarden