Tingzhou dialect

In today's world, Tingzhou dialect is a topic of great relevance and interest to a wide spectrum of people. From professionals to amateurs, Tingzhou dialect has captured the attention of millions around the world. Whether due to its impact on society, its relevance in the scientific field or its influence on popular culture, Tingzhou dialect has become a recurring topic in daily conversations, academic debates and the media. In this article, we will explore in depth the different aspects related to Tingzhou dialect, analyzing its importance, its implications and its evolution over time. Join us on this journey to discover more about Tingzhou dialect and its impact on the world today!
Tingzhou dialect
Regionwestern Fujian
Chinese characters
Language codes
ISO 639-3
ISO 639-6tigz

The Tingzhou dialect (Chinese: 汀州片; pinyin: Tīngzhōupiàn) is a group of Hakka dialects spoken in Longyan and Sanming (historically Tingzhou), southwestern Fujian. Tingzhou includes the Hakka dialects spoken in the counties originally under the jurisdiction of Tingzhou: Changting (Tingzhou), Ninghua, Qingliu, Liancheng, Wuping, Shanghang, Yongding and Mingxi. The Changting dialect is generally regarded as the representative dialect of this branch of Hakka.


  1. ^ Luo, Meizhen 罗美珍; Lin, Lifang 林立芳; Rao, Changrong 饶长溶, eds. (2004). Kèjiāhuà tōngyòng cídiǎn 客家话通用词典 (in Chinese). Guangzhou: Zhongshan daxue chubanshe.

See also