Conradus de Pistoria

In today's world, Conradus de Pistoria is a topic of great relevance and interest to a wide range of people. From its impact on society to its influence on the economy, Conradus de Pistoria has captured the attention of professionals and knowledge lovers alike. As we explore the various facets of Conradus de Pistoria, the need arises to understand its scope and potential, as well as its challenges and controversies. In this article, we will offer a deep and insightful look at Conradus de Pistoria, with the aim of enriching the debate and promoting greater understanding on this topic.

Conradus de Pistoria (also Coradus, de Pistoia, de Pistoja) (fl. early 15th century) was an Italian composer of the late medieval era and early Renaissance, active in Florence and elsewhere in northern Italy. He is listed in the standard histories of music for the period, including the New Oxford History of Music: Ars Nova and the Renaissance, 1300–1540, and the New Grove. Conradus was an Italian representative of the manneristic school of composers known as the ars subtilior, closely associated with the courts of the schismatic popes during the period of the Avignon Papacy.

Life and career

Next to nothing is known about his life, but for a few inferences, and one archival reference. Probably he was associated with Antipope Alexander V and Antipope John XXIII. Conradus's two known works appear in a manuscript assembled in Bologna, where Alexander V died in May 1410. Prior to coming to Bologna but after his election to the schismatic papacy in 1409 Alexander had been in Pistoia, Conradus's likely birthplace. Conradus was probably a singer at San Reparata in Florence, where employment records show he joined the choir in December 1410. The new antipope, newly arrived in Florence in late 1410, had a close connection with the Medici family, and Conradus was probably associated with his court as well.

In addition to being a composer, Conradus was a friar of the Augustinian order.

Two of his compositions survive, both three-voice ballades. One is on a Latin text indicating his association with a papal court; the other is a secular work in French. Both are examples of ars subtilior writing.


Both works are found in the Modena Codex (Mod A M 5.24). They can be found in a modern edition in Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae, vol. 53/1-3.

  • Veri almi pastoris musicale collegium (ballade; 3 voices)
  • Se doulz espour ne me donne confort (ballade; 3 voices)


  1. ^ Davitt Moroney, Bach: an extraordinary life. Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, 2000. ISBN 978-1-86096-190-8 p. 17
  2. ^ Goldberg: early music magazine, Issues 14–15 p.16
  3. ^ Hughes, Anselm; Abraham, Gerald (1960). "New Oxford History of Music: Ars Nova and the Renaissance, 1300–1540". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  4. ^ a b c d Ursula Günther, "Conradus de Pistoria". Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online, (accessed 18 December 2011).
  5. ^ Facsimile : Il codice α.M.5.24 (ModA), Lucca, Libreria musicale italiana, 2003–2005 ISBN 88-7096-340-3